My school day could seem interesting to some people or it could not. I have 8 periods like everyone in my school but mine is a bit different same with some of my other class mates. Since i’m in advanced math i have 2 electives so every single period i move where other people have two periods of math where i don’t. Everyone’s first period is a thing we call team. It is basically home room. It is a shorter period then normal and it is only 24 minutes where the others are 45. Then next i have technology, the class i blog in. Next i have language arts then after that we have recess for 10 minutes. Then after recess i have ceramics. Technology and ceramics are my two electives. Then after that i have science. After science i have lunch. For me science is 5th period and everyone has lunch after 5th period. Then i have P.E. after lunch then history and my last class is math. This is my schedule on everyday except Wednesday. On Wednesday we have 33 minute periods and no team. We also get out at 12:30. But everyday we have 4 minute passing period in-between every class.
My school isn’t very spread apart but it seems weird how it is placed. There is 4 blocks. The 200 block, the “A” block the “B” block, and the “C” block. The 200 block is all part of the old part of the school and it is where all the 6th grade classes are. The “A” block is the library, office, theater, and cafeteria. The “B” block is all the 7th and 8th grade classes, and the “C” block is the locker rooms and gym.
Also at school like i said in the first paragraph we have 2 breaks recess and lunch. Recess is 10 minutes on normal days and 15 on Wednesdays. Lunch is 35 minutes long and we have it everyday except Wednesday. We only have recess on Wednesday that is why it is longer. My typical lunch looks like some days i will get food, it just depends on what is being served. There is normally about 5 choices at lunch each day. Then i will go to where i hang out with my friends eat my food and then just hang out for the rest of lunch.